1.How to create selenium maven project.
2.run tests using maven project.
3.selenium grid setup and execute sample test case using grid.
1.How to create selenium maven project
step1: Down load eclipse kepler IDE from eclipse downloads
step 2: install maven and testng plugin from eclipse help--->install new software
add below sites and install testng and maven
TestNG - http://beust.com/eclipse
Maven - http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/m2e-extensions/m2e-apt.
step 3:
create maven project in eclipse and add below depedency tags in pom.xml file.
step4: selenium maven dependency and testng maven dependency
right click on maven project and select maven--->update project option
update project will download latest testng and selenium jars in to .m2 folder in
now you are ready to use your selenium maven project.
for reference you can use my maven project from git repository
Note :to download git project install git bash in your local pc
After installation of git use below command to download selenium maven project.
step1: open git bash
step2: run below command in git bash
git clone https://github.com/naveenkumarks/selenium.git
your GIT bash screen will be like this.
import downloaded maven project
1.click file---->import from eclipse
2.select existing maven project
3.after import successful below screen will come to make sure you import successful
4.click finish and select maven project from eclispe and do right click and select
maven--->update project
5.after update .m2 folder will get all latest testng and selenium jar files.
i have explained two ways to create maven selenium project
1.import from existing maven project
2.create maven project from scratch.
2.run tests using maven project.
3.selenium grid setup and execute sample test case using grid.
1.How to create selenium maven project
step1: Down load eclipse kepler IDE from eclipse downloads
step 2: install maven and testng plugin from eclipse help--->install new software
add below sites and install testng and maven
TestNG - http://beust.com/eclipse
Maven - http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/m2e-extensions/m2e-apt.
step 3:
create maven project in eclipse and add below depedency tags in pom.xml file.
step4: selenium maven dependency and testng maven dependency
right click on maven project and select maven--->update project option
update project will download latest testng and selenium jars in to .m2 folder in
now you are ready to use your selenium maven project.
for reference you can use my maven project from git repository
Note :to download git project install git bash in your local pc
After installation of git use below command to download selenium maven project.
step1: open git bash
step2: run below command in git bash
git clone https://github.com/naveenkumarks/selenium.git
your GIT bash screen will be like this.
import downloaded maven project
1.click file---->import from eclipse
2.select existing maven project
3.after import successful below screen will come to make sure you import successful
4.click finish and select maven project from eclispe and do right click and select
maven--->update project
5.after update .m2 folder will get all latest testng and selenium jar files.
i have explained two ways to create maven selenium project
1.import from existing maven project
2.create maven project from scratch.
As a beginner, it will be helpful for the person like me in creating selenium webdriver maven projects and its steps. I have received the better understanding about the dependency and its usage that are dependent to run the scripts in the other machines. POM will be really needed for these kind of projects and people looking for
selenium training in Chennai
This is really helpful, I never heard of this Maven project using selenium automation, Thanks for the Interesting stuff. Those Selenium WebDriver explanations are easy to understand.
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